Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Annual TBVSCC Garage Tour

The Annual TBVSCC Garage Tour will be held May 1st.  We are meeting at the Robins Donuts on Hodder Ave at 10:30 am.  From there we will be heading to John Colosimo's to see the TR6 and Volvo 1800E he is working on.  The next stop at 12:00pm  is Glenn Burtons.  Glenn is putting on lunch for us there.  At 2:00pm we will head to AMCO machine shop for a tour.  Following this we will head to LU to check out this years Formula SAE contender.  Give John Colosimo a call for more info.

1 comment:

  1. Glenn is putting on lunch for us there. At 2:00pm we will head to AMCO machine shop for a tour. Following this we will head to LU to check out this years Formula SAE contender. best betting sites
